Creating 2D prints from images

Converting a picture to Scalable Vector Graphics format, then converting that to an STL, results in a printable file that can be made into fullblown photos with a multi-color 3d printer, or a sort of lithopane for more simple printers. I elected to not use the picture to lithopane programs offered on the web because I wanted to try and customize it with the various steps along the way.

The image I picked was a memoji, as the cartoonish design of the character plays nicely with the process for making these. I think it turned out great, though I would probably like to thin the back ‘pane’ of the plastic to allow for more light to shine through, as well as darkening the outline lines, and darkening the beard.

I think the shading I did was pretty alright, but it can certainly be improved. Same with the printing settings I’m using.

V1: Test print, unrefined settings
V2: Testing shading, more dialed in settings but still dealing with small pockets of blank space.
V3: Thinned back pane to a reasonable thickness, increased shading and improved contrast in certain areas. Final Version.